Water Treatment & Distribution • Wastewater Collections & Treatment • Lakes & Source Water • Stormwater & Reuse

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Ixom Watercare helps people across the water industry achieve reliable process improvement and water quality compliance with premier technologies including MIEX®, GridBee®, SolarBee®, and ResidualHQ®. Some of these solutions include:

Water Treatment & Distribution: Disinfection By-Product Mitigation & Removal, Disinfectant Monitoring & Control, PFAS Removal, Clearwell & Distribution Tank Mixing

Lakes & Source Water Reservoirs: Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Taste & Odor Control, Iron & Manganese, H2S Degassing

Wastewater Treatment: Energy Saving Aeration & Mixing Systems, Solids Suspension, Odor & Sludge Control

Wastewater Collections: Pump Station Wet Well Mixing

We combine innovative solutions with top notch manufacturing and nationwide in-field service capabilities to create trusted, full circle support our Customers depend on. Ixom Watercare has thousands of installations and are a trusted industry-leader solving water quality problems across the United States, Canada and the world.

Contact us today to discuss your water quality challenges.

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Some Of What We Do

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What our customers are saying...

Working To Get Additonal Machines –RP, Oregon

"Your installation team exhibited high quality professionalism. The great results from the modeling output shows the degree of mixing achieved. The performance achieved by the unit is great. We will continue to work with our department for additional SolarBees in our additional 17 potable water tanks."

Best Company- MD, California

"Medora Corporation is the best company I have dealt with in my 23 years with the city."

Amazing Job -RR, Saskatchewan

"Just wanted you to know that the Unit is doing an amazing job. There is no comparison with the clarity of the water at the same time last year."

Thanks! –SE, Florida

"Thanks! You guys do fantastic service trips!"

Diminished Odor Complaints –LS, California

"The SolarBees in the reservoir are doing a great job. The taste and odor complaints and copper treatments have diminished greatly. The greatest visual impact has been on the reduction of macrophytes. We no longer harvest any weeds at all."

First Class Company –DR, Ohio

"I must tell you that your company is first class in the way you handle the customers, including the service guys. ALL of them are very responsive and polite and they seem to take their work very seriously!"

No Compliance Problems –MM, Indiana

"We are very happy with the SolarBees in our wastewater system. There have been no compliance problems since the SolarBees have been installed."

No More Odors –OT, California

"We are extremely happy with the performance of the (2) AP7000s in our clarifier at the potable water treatment plant. There is no longer any "fishy smell" or bad odors during the back washing of the filters. We feel we may have less taste & odor events in the future because of the AP mixers."